Each year we look for supporters (children and adults) to live outside to raise money and awareness for street children. Please join us for 2022 Camp for Kenya. You can join the fun by following this link https://www.justgiving.com/harambeeforkenya and clicking donate. Please donate £5 or more, if you like you can send your camp picture to our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/5389069940) or Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/camp4kenya/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) so we can feature your camp out. You can also click fund raise on our Just Giving page and get your friends and family to sponsor you living out side. You can camp in your garden or anywhere that is safe to do so. You can camp in a tent or make your own shelter. We are encourage lots of schools, scout group, businesses to take part. If you need any further information you can email us by clicking the "contact us" button at the top of the page.